Strike a pose for better health
Long days at work resulting in heavy stiffness and sore muscles? A tingling sensation traveling through the lower back radiating to your legs? Sounds familiar? Sounds like you? Worry no more! On this International Yoga Day, let’s take up a challenge to declutter our minds and destress our bodies.
Every year June 21st is celebrated as International Yoga Day, emphasizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle at home and work. Yoga lays focus not only on a calm mind and healthy body but helps maintain a better human relationship with others and the environment. Yoga is your silver bullet for a better home, better work, better tomorrow, and a better YOU!
Yoga at work doesn’t need a change of clothes, protein shakes, or hardcore equipment and weights. A chair and a desk are all you need to stretch a bit at the workplace.
Let’s begin the day with a stretch!
Follow the instructions given. Remember to never overdo it hurts. Just relax and reclaim your energy.
Here are the 6 poses to make you more energetic and efficient at the workplace.

Breathe…. Yes, you read it right! Breathe and relax your muscles. Sit in the chair comfortably with your back straight and shoulders apart, legs pointing straight, and knees upright. Try to not rush into the goal, just relax and repeat five times.
Follow the 678 rules.
- Inhale for 6 seconds
- Hold your breath for 7 seconds
- Exhale slowly for 8 in the timer
Impact: Calms your brain activity, eases lung pressure, and increases oxygen flow in the blood
The Arm Stretch
Lift your arms over the head and join them. Hold the pose for 5 seconds and repeat if you can handle it. Make sure you feel the stretch below the armpit while doing this for better results.
The Back Stretch
Stand up with your legs apart pointing outwards. Straighten your spine and slowly move your arms backward and lock it. Relax your shoulders and breathe. This reverse backward stretch will give a sigh of relief from shoulder pain. You can do this while sitting by holding the bottom of the chair.
The Twister
Sit back and relax in the chair. Place your hands at the side of the armrest and twist your torso while you inhale in the process. Remember to slightly tilt your head upwards, to feel the lungs expanding. Hold the position for 20 seconds and relax back to the neutral state while you exhale. Do this on both sides for a better backstretch. Repeat the process slowly 3 times.
The Forward Bend
Don’t bend for challenges, bend for health. This position helps you to offload the pressure on your spine due to long hours of sitting. Sit on the frontal edge of the chair with your spine straight. Relax your legs as shown and bend forward slowly with your hands holding the side bottom of the chair. Inhale and exhale during the process steadily. If you experience short breaths, then stop the exercise, relax and start again.
Say Namaste
Remember how the world realized the importance of this gesture during the pandemic. From America to Australia, all the leaders greeted each other with our Indian namaste. Breathe out when you join your hands in front of your chest and strike a pose.
Commit yourself to better health and mindfulness.
And hey it’s the World Music Day too! Don’t forget to add some Indian classical, smooth jazz, fusion, or a touch of the heavenly flute to end on a meditative note.